Are you suffering with alcohol or drug dependency and ready to begin the road to recovery? Do you feel alone and unsure how to find the help that you desperately need? The knowledgeable professionals at Meehab Addiction Help can provide you with all the resources and support that you need to meet others in the recovery community by providing information on meetings, sponsors and networking to help you break free from the bonds of addiction. Our goal is to provide you with everything that you need to achieve your sobriety in a safe and positive environment. When you are part of the Meehab Addiction Help recovery community, you never have to worry about coping alone!

At Meehab Addiction Help, we believe in the seamless combination of professional treatment, regular attendance of AA meetings, fellowship, and sponsorship. Our simple, powerful app is built to make recovery more personal and more effective for our users.

If you represent a treatment center, please get in touch with us about partnership opportunities:


(844) 238-3730

Based on the West Coast, our program currently supports treatment centers and meetings exclusively in Northern and Southern California. Drop us a line and we’ll keep you in the loop on our upcoming nationwide launch.

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